The theme parks don’t want people injured, they are after all making money on giving people a pleasant experience. However, sometimes a person can be injured through no fault of their own.
If you or a family member has been injured at a theme park you need to take several steps:
- Get photos of the scene, especially if there was a hazard present, such as broken concrete or other hazards that might have contributed to the accident.
- Don’t sign anything. There could be paperwork at a parks medical center that they want you to sign such as a medial release. Signing such paperwork could result in the park being released from liability. It’s best to consult a lawyer before signing anything.
- Try and get the names and contact information of any witnesses.
- As soon as possible, try and write down a complete record of the incident including time of day, location, weather conditions and any other information you might think is relevant.
- Consider hiring an attorney local to Central Florida. Many Central Florida law firms have experience dealing with the theme parks and amusement park lawsuits. A lawyer outside of Florida, for example in your hometown, will usually consult or recommend a lawyer in Central Florida.
How Can We Help !
- We also accept cases involving boating injuries and airplane accidents.
- To schedule a free consultation with one of our auto accident attorneys, please contact us today.
- No matter what type of vehicle you were in when your accident occurred.
- To schedule a free consultation with one of our auto accident attorneys, please contact us today.
- We use this information to build solid, evidence-based cases that greatly improve the likelihood.